Sarah Finch

Sarah Finch
CEO of the Marches Academy Trust
Consultant for NPQEL NPQH
Advanced Facilitator NPQEL NPQH

Sarah is the CEO of The Marches Academy Trust, a multi-academy sponsor based in Shropshire. There are currently 10 schools within the Trust, five primary and five secondary. As CEO, Sarah continues to drive the Trust to expand, employing its capacity and experience to inspire and motivate students and staff and create a family of academy schools with a shared set of visions and values.   She monitors standards within the Trust, evaluating the progress of sponsored schools and reports on her work to the Board of Trustees.

Sarah is an NLE and an advanced facilitator and source of expertise and consultancy for the design and delivery of the NPQH and the new NPQEL. She is also a National College for Teaching and Leadership Fellow and was key in developing education policy and recommendations for ministers for the changes to recruitment of teachers, development of teacher training in schools and professional development opportunities that retains people in the profession.

Sarah believes in outward facing and visionary leadership and she is intent on the Alliance of Leading Learning achieving its vision to embrace the school led system; working closely with lead partners, to provide gold standard professional learning and school improvement projects nationally and internationally.