Apply now for the NPQH, NPQSENCO, and NPQLPM! Fully funded places are available —don’t miss out on this opportunity! Applications close 28th March
The following terms and conditions cover all provision offered by the Alliance of Leading Learning (ALL). Please bear in mind that our providers associated with our various streams of work may have additional or their own policies. Please contact us if you are unsure.
“ALL” is committed to offering high quality provision that meets the needs of candidates and will always aim to plan viable events. Occasionally, circumstances will arise which result in the need to cancel provision. When this is the case, ALL will take proactive steps to inform you as soon as possible. ALL reserves the right to modify or cancel any provision if unforeseen circumstances arise, but we will do our utmost to avoid doing so.
Should ALL cancel an event that you have paid to attend, ALL will:
Full advice and options available at the time of cancellation will be communicated by the event organisers.
Please ensure you are aware of the ALL Academic Misconduct Regulations which can we viewed here.
Those successful in claiming scholarship funding will be liable to repay funding if a withdrawal takes place. Participants must put in writing to ALL the reasons for withdrawal in writing in the first instance to [email protected]. We will consider those with extenuating and exceptional circumstances (for example; long term sickness, bereavement, maternity/paternity leave) on a case-by-case basis.
The repayment fee will be calculated as the total fee minus any amounts already received though DfE scholarship payments up to the date of withdrawal.
Withdrawal also includes those participants who fail to submit their final assessment and would therefore be deemed to have ‘withdrawn by default’ – in this case the withdrawal charges will apply. We endeavour to ensure that all participants receive adequate communication and support to ensure that completion and certification takes place and ‘withdrawal by default’ is always the very last resort.
Should we agree that the withdrawal is exceptional cases, the reasons given will be submitted to the DfE who will consider these fairly and consistently and no fee will be applied. However all applicants should be mindful that a withdrawal will preclude them from applying for funding for an NPQ programme in the future.
It is the applicant’s responsibility for ensuring they understand the eligibility criteria for scholarship funding as detailed on our website. ALL will not take any responsibility for incorrect information provided by the participant in terms of the criteria set to access this funding. If an applicant is unsuccessful in claiming scholarship funding due to not meeting the criteria the applicant’s school will become liable to pay the full cost of the qualification. This will be clarified before enrolment.
Unless otherwise stated, all prices quoted are exclusive of VAT and are correct at the time of publishing on our website or in printed literature.
If a participant leaves their current employment and the employer had agreed to fully pay course/qualification costs, then liability for paying/arranging payment of unpaid monies remains with the school. Course/qualification fees will be invoiced at the start of the course/qualification and will need to be paid within 30 days.
In the first instance please talk to us with any concerns or issues. The Alliance of Leading Learning is part of the Marches Academy Trust. Therefore, please refer to the Trust policies which are available here.
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