Whole Trust NPQ Delivery

The Alliance of Leading Learning is proud to have been working with the Empower Multi-Academy Trust to roll out a Trust-wide NPQ programme.

In February 2024,  101 members of staff from the Trust’s 8 schools which are located in the Shrewsbury and Whitchurch area of Shropshire join two cohorts of the NPQLT.

The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) is for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase. In February 2024 this was a fully funded and accredited Department for Education programme.

The Alliance of Leading Learning worked with the Empower leadership team to plan the delivery of programme through a 12-month period whereby most sessions could be delivered on either PD days or within directed time.   The programme from LLSE (Leadership Learning Securing Excellence) is delivered through 3 modules with 1 Face to Face and 2 webinars per module.  The delivery of the programme was facilitated by LLSE trained facilitator from within the Empower Senior Leadership Team.

It was felt that by all staff members taking part in a unified programme that would lead to a raising of standards for pupils and a common language amongst all staff.  Giving all staff a thorough understanding of the EEF Implementation Framework and an accredited qualification.

The following video provides a snapshot of the impact so far: NPQLT video.mp4 (sharepoint.com)

We will be reporting more on the impact of this exciting and unique project in the future.

If you are interested in finding out how you could bring these programmes to your school or trust please get in touch with us.



Uncategorised / 31 July 2024

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