Apply now for the NPQH, NPQSENCO, and NPQLPM! Fully funded places are available —don’t miss out on this opportunity! Applications close 28th March
The Alliance of Leading Learning is the professional learning arm of The Marches Academy Trust, a growing Multi Academy Trust based in Shropshire.
The Alliance of Leading Learning supports this high achieving Trust through its imaginative and creative approach to teaching and learning and we are supporting the intent to secure continued, sustained improvement for all of our MMAT schools.
‘Achievement through caring’ is our core belief at The Marches Academy Trust and it is central to all that we do. Our schools are forward-thinking, innovative and strive to ensure that our young people and our staff make the very most of their learning adventure and are equipped with the skills required to prosper.
For more information on the Trust go to the Trust Website.
We believe: Successful, creative, lifelong learners participate in a journey of self-discovery. They know how to learn, acquire skills and feel safe to take risks with confidence and courage.
The Talent Contract is a promise, a covenant between you and us, that the Trust will do its very best to support and develop you professionally. It describes a variety of professional development opportunities and encourages you to identify and pursue your own training needs.
Our Talent Pathway supports the professional development of staff within the Trust. We identify leadership talent and needs for future succession planning, ensuring relevant and practical leadership development opportunities for staff. Our talent pathway programme provides a framework for the discussion of your leadership journey and the professional learning you can access along the way.
As a member of staff you will have access to nationally recognised National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) delivered by The Alliance of Leading Learning. The Trust actively encourages our staff to complete an NPQ.
A high-quality range of confidential medical and wellbeing benefits can be accessed completely free of charge. The Trust currently runs salary sacrifice schemes for childcare vouchers, bikes, mobile phones, computers and car lease schemes (salary sacrifice enables staff to give up some of the cash value of their pay to receive other benefits which saves on tax and national insurance). Discounted rates at local gyms and health clubs are also available.
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